Friday, October 5, 2007

A Glorious Life Remembered

Appreciation from a reader:

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Professor Fung Yee Chan


Professor in Maternal Fetal Medicine FRANZCOG, FHKCOG, FHKAM, FRCOG, DDU, CMFM, MD Mater Mothers' Hospital, South Brisbane Phone: + 61 7 3840 8844 Fax: +61 7 3840 1949 Email: (

Professor Chan is a graduate of the University of Hong Kong. She received most of her specialist training in Hong Kong, including one year as a Commonwealth Scholar in Oxford in 1984. She is a Fellow of the Hong Kong, British, and Australian & New Zealand Colleges of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists.

Professor Chan migrated to Australia in 1993, and completed the Certificate of Maternal Fetal Medicine of the RANZCOG in 1995. She was the first Queensland Obstetrician to receive this Subspecialist certificate, and one of twelve in Australia at that time. In the same year, she was awarded a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Hong Kong.

She was the founding Director of Centre for Maternal Fetal Medicine at the Mater Mothers' Hospital, and has a current conjoint appointment as Professor and Senior Specialist in Maternal Fetal Medicine at the University of Queensland, Mater Mothers' Hospital. Professor Chan's interest covers all aspects of antenatal screening, diagnosis, and therapy. Recognising the difficulties in providing tertiary services poised by the vast size of Australia, her team has successfully pioneered the use of real-time tele-ultrasound to provide sub-specialist expertise to regional centres in Queensland. She received several National awards, and has been invited to scientific meetings overseas to present this work.

As an extension of their telemedicine expertise, her team has also tele-linked to a world renowned fetal therapy centre in Florida (USA). This has assisted in the successful introduction of fetal endoscopic surgery to Australia. The Mater has now performed the largest number of fetsocopic laser surgery for severe twin to twin transfusion syndrome in the Asia Pacific, with results matching the best centres around the world. Professor Chan is keen to continue their telemedicine work to other centres in Australia, and overseas.

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© 2003 The University of Queensland, Brisbane Australia
Last updated: 09 May 2005

Professor CHAN Fung Yee


Fung Yee Chan

Professor in Maternal Fetal Medicine, FRANZCOG, FHKCOG, FHKAM, FRCOG, DDU, CMFM, MD. Internationally acclaimed clinician and researcher, Professor Fung Yee Chan will be deeply missed by all who knew her. Mater Health Services warmly invites Relatives, Friends, Patients and Colleagues to share in a Celebration of Professor Chans life and achievements, at a public Memorial Service, on Wednesday, 4 July, 2007, at Somerville House School VPAC Auditorium (entry via Graham St South Brisbane) commencing at 4pm. Join us as we remember this extraordinary woman.

Professor Fung Yee Chan, 19/09/55 – 30/05/07


Professor Fung Yee Chan, 19/09/55 – 30/05/07

In memory of Professor Fung Yee Chan, Professor of Maternal Fetal Medicine

September 07, 2007 5AM, by Miss Miranda Hunt

Professor Chan was a highly regarded member of the Mater community. A graduate of the University of Hong Kong, she received most of her specialist training in Hong Kong, and spent one year as a Commonwealth Scholar in Oxford in 1984. Professor Chan was a Fellow of the Hong Kong, British, and Australian & New Zealand Colleges of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists.

After migrating to Australia in 1993, Professor Chan completed the RANZCOG Certificate of Maternal Fetal Medicine in 1995. She was the first Queensland Obstetrician to receive this sub-specialist qualification. In the same year, she was awarded a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Hong Kong. She was the founding Director of the Centre for Maternal Fetal Medicine at the Mater Mothers' Hospital, and held a conjoint appointment as Professor and Senior Specialist in Maternal Fetal Medicine at the University of Queensland, Mater Mothers' Hospital.

Professor Chan's interest covered all aspects of antenatal screening, diagnosis, and therapy. Her team successfully pioneered the use of real-time tele-ultrasound to provide sub-specialist expertise to regional centres in Queensland. She received several national awards, and was recognised internationally for this work.

Professor Chan successfully introduced endoscopic fetal surgery to Australia. Mater has now performed the largest number of fetoscopic laser surgeries for severe twin to twin transfusion syndrome in the Asia Pacific, with results matching the best centres around the world. Prof Fung Yee Chan will be dearly missed.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

懷念好朋友﹣鳳儀 26.6.2007
我是護士, 在QM與鳳儀共渡好幾年的日子 1979﹣1984。那時在UMU, 鳳儀是HO, 我是 Junior RN, 好投緣。白天一起工作, 晚上, 我 On night,她On call,好忙都好開心。好多時, 她僅有的星期天 1/2 day off, 我們都相聚。遠則郊遊, 近則吃一餐, 看電影.。在宿舍, 我偶爾煮到好東西, 都會 Called 鳳儀一起開餐。那時, 我很羨慕她,讀書多, 好聰明, 學習快, 好叻。最重要是很好脾氣, 對病人好有愛心, 對同事, 護士們都很好。還有, 是夠瘦, 更令我羨慕不已。有次去赤柱買牛仔褲, 最細碼的, 她仍覺闊, 最後買童裝。其實, 想深一層, 她確是太瘦了, 工作太辛苦吧!

我們甚麼都談, 講出心底話。我更曾天真地為她出頭。回想, 我倆都很傻。就這樣過了好幾年「老友記」的歲月。隨著鳳儀建立了小家庭, 醫院的工作日益繁重, 我們玩樂的時間當然減少。但依然聯系著。84年, 當我有自己的小單位, 她還把家中的雪櫃和睡床, 親自搬送到沙田給我。這些情, 這些事, 都像昨天的事。她的聲音, 她的笑面, 她的神態,恍惚仍在眼前。

鳳儀: 20年過去了, 我們各自努力走自己的路。您的驕人成就, 我為您而自豪。但偶爾聽到些不快樂的消息, 我便擔心, 巴不得在您身邊能與您分擔。我自己也曾跌倒, 也曾灰心, 也有黑暗日子, 更嚐受過最親, 最愛和摯友等的離世而悲痛. 幸運地我都已復原了。.我常渴望有天能與您再聚, 細訴, 分擔和分享。我想再煮些美味食物一起吃, 邊看我們青春少艾時的相片……….

鳳儀: 我仍未能接受這事實。既然如此,就當您仍然在遠方彼岸。每當我想念您的時候, 遙遠地給我打招呼吧!


With Best Love

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

日期: 二零零七年六日三十日 時間: 十一時至十二時
主禮: 藍黃珍妮牧師 司琴: 梁愷瑩

經句: 牧師




聖詩: 善牧恩慈歌

經課: 凌碧娟

分享: 陳衛賢

經句: 會眾同頌

分享: 梁憲孫教授, 朱玉珍醫生

聖詩: 我知誰管著明天
〈副歌〉: 有許多未來的事情,我現在不能識透,

主禱文: 會眾同頌

祝文: 牧師

祝福: 牧師

聖詩: 會眾同唱
Amazing Grace
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me;
I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.

‘Twas grace that taught by heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved; How precious did not grace appear, the hour I first believed!

Through many dangers, toil and snares, I have already come;
‘Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me, his word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Dear classmates and friends,

Sorry for the delay in sending you this letter.

Fung Yee's funneral was held in Brisbane on the 9/6/2007. More than 200 people turned up. Opportunity was given to say goodbye to her body. She looked calm and peaceful.

A lot of photos of Fung Yee together with her family and friends were shown. Speeches were given by her colleagues in the hospital, her sister-Jean, her best friend-Winnie and her daughter Elaine. Her colleagues spoken highly of her, particularly her contribution in foetal medicine. Elaine played a piece of music composed by her, in memory of her mother.

It is heart breaking and is still very difficult to accept that such a lovely and talented friend had left us already. She has touched the hearts of so many people in Hong Kong and in Australia. She will be fondly remembered and she is always on our mind.

My best regards,

Wai Ki Pun

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Very sad but we will always remenber Fung Yee and be proud of her.

Cheng Chung Lun

Monday, June 18, 2007

Hi fellow classmates,

I have been using a different email address most of the time so it was not until today that we learned the untimely death of our dear Chan Fung-Yee. We were truly saddened by this loss.

Though we have not met since our last reunion in 1999, we will always remember her as a sincere friend, a diligent medical student, a wonderful doctor, and a remarkable scholar.

It does seem incomprehensible that God often prematurely takes away the best among us. However, instead of lamenting over her death, let us celebrate her life, which is a life well-lived.

Marie & Anthony Tan

Sunday, June 10, 2007

From Wong Chun Por:

Life is short my dear fellas, so enjoy it while it lasts.

Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is mystery
Today is a gift -- that's why it is called the present.

Live the fullest today.

Dear Ko,

Thanks for providing the information for the memorial service for Fung Yee. It is still hard to express the feeling for her.

The world is so strange, and have things happen to a wonderful lady that I have no explanation. Many times that I am thinking of her. It must be very hard for the family.

We are getting old (or older only). Although we know a lot of medical knowledge, and in practice for such a length of time. Last time I was in Hong Kong, someone said that when Prof David Todd taught us in 1974-1979, he was less experience in the number of year of practice than what we had now.

We are all have equal chance to suffer from various diseases, stress, family issue etc. One can only do so much. Life is always busy, and will always be tired up by the emergent and urgent stuff. That may or may not be important. I wish I have more time to support and chat with Fung Yee. Now I talk to her in my prayer.

Let's start a Medic 79 chat room. Let not distance to separate us. We have so much in common, and so much have changed. I am not a computer, internet or web person. I only know about is the email. My dear computer person in Medic 79, can you advice how to do it ? or if email is the way to go ?

May God bless Fung Yee in heaven. May God be with you all my friend.



Dear fellow medic 79 classmates,

There will be a memorial service for Fung Yee hosted by the SSGC class 72 in their school chapel on June 30 from 11am to 12noon. You are welcome to join in the service, for more details can contact Ms May Li at

William Ko

Saturday, June 9, 2007

1979 火車上, 長沙火車站

桂林1979 漓江


桂林1979 七星岩

北京1979 陶然亭公園

北京1979 碧雲寺, 頤和園

北京1979 清東陵

北京1979 十三陵

FromvMargaret Cheung To Fung Yee

Wish you find peace and happiness in the eternal world. We shall meet someday and we can chit chat about Old Halls, TYH, QMH, UOGU.....

We shall always remember you. Your long fingers would not miss any prolapse of cord.

To Medic 79 and all doctors who work diligently and conscientiously,Let's not stress ourselves to the ultimatum.

Remember °h¤@¨B ¡A®üÁï¤ÑªÅ¡C
Margaret (Medic 76)

Friday, June 8, 2007

北京1979 ﹣北海公園




June 7, 2007
Dear Fung Yee,

I was so numb for the whole week. I attended my patients in clinic as usual, Yung Chee has said a lot around me, but I have no recollection of what has been done or has been said.

When we said goodbye in Pearson Airport in Toronto, that was in September, 2005, your last words were: "Please remind Carbon to do regular exercise when you meet him in Hong Kong next March, he needs to keep active and healthy." You cared about others as always, more than yourself. As a physician, you are so ready to help but so reluctant to cry for help.

We played pingpong in my basement; I told you that I started the game 3 months ago because I couldn't stand the empty nest alone while Yung Chee spent at least 4 nights per week in the club. You giggled, and were too polite to state the truth, and told me that I was a "talented" player. I'm still trying hard, and I’ve promised you that the next game will be very different.

Don't forget, we still have an appointment in Australia, Toronto or Hongkong for another pingpong match. In Old Halls, you, Yuk Chun & May were the frequent player in the pingpong room, while I was always the uninterested bystander. However, I'll take your advice, keep active and healthy, and will keep the hobby.

You & Carbon, Florence & KK, Yung Chee & I, met weekly for study group when we decided to take the Australian medical licentiate examination. You were the most learned leader of the whole group and always the one who came up with the correct answer. You made south to Australia while we moved west to Canada, the physical distance kept us apart while our hearts were still closely knitted. We exchange Christmas wishes and made sure that we did all the catching-ups every year.

Life is not easy, a professional woman, a wife, a mother, a member of the community where we belong. You were clouded with frustration and disappointment. We talked, we smiled, we cried, we embraced each other. I was the patient listener, the not too successful comforter, and a failed "counsellor".

"Life has to go on." You signed. Your latest Christmas greeting was more reassuring, you told me that the worst was over, life was challenging but managerable, you replied to my email & remarked that my Christmas family photo was very beautiful and you can still remember my winding staircase. You promised that you'll come around to visit us again whenever in town for any international conference. "You're welcome to stay in my place if you plan a vacation in Brisbane, I will be your host & tour guide." – you said so in my backyard; I will hang on to that rain cheque until we meet again.

Virginia said that “death is not the end but the beginning”, please remember to greet me in heavenly gate with St. Peter and show me around.

Forgive me for not calling & writing often enough. If only life can be put into reverse mode, I think I would be much wiser. ‘The four medic golden flowers of Old Halls' as we were nicknamed, for the remaining three, life have to go on as you’ve said, but life will never be the same without you for all who have crossed in your life.

Fung Yee, I love to see you smile again.


From So Kam Fai

Thursday, June 7, 2007

From So Kam Fai:

Still remember those days with Fung Yee during the Medic 79 years and the several years when living in Old Halls. She has always been the sweet, soft-speaking, kind-hearted, inspiring and knowledgeable girl. Her sudden passing away is a shock to me and definitely a shock to all of us.

We last met in Ellen Leung’s home in 2005 when she visited Toronto.

Fung Yee’s death definitely made us recalling the sweet memory of our old days in HKU medical faculty during the years 74-79.

We are sorry for your leave but Fung Yee, rest and enjoy the heavenly love from our God!

From Stevenson , Toronto, Canada